1st in England in CQ WW CW 2023 Contest

Over the weekend of 25th/26th Nov FRARS entered the CQ World Wide CW contest. This is a 48 hour CW contest with the aim of making as many contacts as possible. Every DXCC country and CQ zone is a multiplier to boost the score.
We started at 00:00z Our first contact was Romeo YO4RDW. We worked each other on 5 bands over the weekend. Conditions were very good especially on the higher bands. A total of 127 DXCC countries were worked including over 100 on 28MHz and 21MHz.
We made over 1400 QSOs with a score of over 1.5 million which put us top England station in the multi operator/single TX category. Romeo was top single operator in Romania and very high in the Europe rankings.
A great result for club members and FRARS. The rotator is now fixed and we have some ideas for LF antennas so hopefully we’ll do better next year.

Article by Gareth G0MFR